Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of some of the questions we get asked most frequently from our patients.

 If you have a question that isn’t answered below, feel free to give us a call and we’ll be happy to assist you.

We welcome new patients and are always ready to accommodate walk-ins with emergency dental concerns. Our commitment is to give each individual and their needs our undivided attention while valuing your time and that of others in our practice.

Our office hours are flexible and can vary from week to week. We make every effort to accommodate your scheduling preferences, ensuring your dental visit is as convenient as possible while minimizing any potential hassles.

It’s worth noting that Dr. Al has a friendly demeanor and a sense of humor, which helps to make your dental appointments more relaxing and enjoyable. Rest assured that you will receive personalized care and attention, making your visit to Millennium Dental both comfortable and pleasant.

In case of an emergency, we will go the extra mile to fit you into Dr. Rezaei’s schedule as a courtesy, understanding the urgency of your situation.

Si !

We speak many different languages at Millennium Dental: English, Spanish, Russian, Persian, some German. Please teach us some new words!

We are affiliated with various insurance companies and warmly invite anyone seeking dental care. Each insurance policy is unique, representing the market’s diverse range of plans and underwriters. Recognizing the potential complexity, Millennium Dental’s team is dedicated to providing guidance and support tailored to your specific needs.

We provide alternative arrangements and incentives to those without insurance coverage. Our primary goal is to assist you in achieving your dental goals with complete satisfaction. We believe that the first step towards this is a complimentary initial consultation appointment, where you can learn more about our practice and services, and we can understand your specific needs better. We look forward to meeting you.  

It is best if you visit the dentist at least twice a year. A dental exam can reveal early signs of decay and diseases like oral cancer and periodontal disease, which have long-term impacts that you may not see or feel. Catching these conditions early can help control them before they get worse and more challenging to treat. Additionally, getting a cleaning by a trained professional will remove plaque in areas you may have missed or cannot reach.

Brush at least twice daily, once in the morning and once before bed. You should also floss once a day. The effectiveness of your brushing and flossing is significant. Proper techniques, timing, and materials are required to achieve a positive result. We at Millennium Dental will address all these considerations with you on a personal and customized level.

The following guidelines are essential for flossing correctly.

  1. Take 18″ of floss and wind it around the middle finger of each hand. You can use these fingers to take up floss as it becomes dirty. Using your thumb and forefinger, pinch the floss, leaving 1-2 inches between it for cleaning.
  2. .Gently move the floss up and down the spaces between your teeth. Never snap the floss down onto your gums, as this can damage them.
  3. As you move the floss down into the space between two teeth, slide it up and down against the surface of one tooth. Gently clean the gum line as well.
  4. Repeat this process for all of your teeth.

The following guidelines are important for brushing correctly.

  1.  First, make sure to use a soft-bristled brush. Hard-bristled brushes can wear down the enamel of your teeth.
  2. Place your brush at a precise 45-degree angle to your gum line. This ensures that the bristles effectively clean both the tooth surface and the gum line, promoting optimal oral hygiene.
  3. Brush your teeth with short back-and-forth strokes or tiny circular movements. Each movement should be no bigger than the size of each tooth. You can also get an electric toothbrush that does the job for you!
  4. Remember, gentle strokes are the key. They are highly effective in removing plaque, while excessive pressure can potentially wear down the enamel of your teeth. So, brush with confidence and care.
  5. Brush all surfaces of each tooth, including the teeth’ outer, inner, and chewing surfaces. Additionally, don’t forget to gently brush your tongue, as it can harbor bacteria and contribute to bad breath.
  6. Finally, don’t cut your brushing short! Brush for at least two minutes.

While teeth are typically pearly white initially, discoloration can develop over time due to enamel erosion. As the enamel wears away, the underlying dentin, a yellowish substance found at the core of teeth, becomes more visible, resulting in a yellowish tint. 

Furthermore, just like variations in skin color, individual dietary habits can influence tooth coloration. Dr. Al, with his personalized approach, can provide tailored insights into managing tooth discoloration, making you feel valued and understood in your unique dental situation. 

A variety of factors, including diet, periodontal disease, and dry mouth, can cause bad breath. However, the relief is just a consultation away. Consulting with Dr. Al can help identify the root cause of bad breath, allowing for implementing targeted interventions to alleviate the problem, providing you with the reassurance that your dental health is in good hands.  

Whatever those factors are that cause bad breath, maintaining proper oral hygiene and getting regular dental checkups are still the best ways to lessen its effects. When you brush, floss, and use mouthwash properly, you can eliminate food particles stuck between your teeth and stop bacteria that cause bad breath. 

By preventing and treating periodontal disease, which is caused by plaque buildup, these habits are also helpful. Regular dental checkups, where professionals can identify and address early signs of periodontal disease, are crucial in this process. Also, careful denture care, like soaking them in antibacterial solutions every night as directed, and regular tongue cleaning help keep your mouth fresh.  

Periodontal disease is not just an infection of the gums and the underlying bone structure that supports teeth. It’s a serious condition that can lead to severe consequences such as gum recession, tooth mobility, and eventual tooth loss if not treated. 

This medical condition, typically caused by plaque buildup, is often exacerbated by poor brushing habits.  Its early-stage manifestations, known as gingivitis, are marked by gum inflammation and bleeding.  Among the risk factors involving  periodontal disease, most common of these include genetics, smoking, and type 2 diabetes.  

Dr. Rezaei of Millennium Dental is here to provide comprehensive insights into managing periodontal disease and identifying associated risk factors. His expertise emphasizes the urgency of taking action to prevent its progression, but also assures you that you’re not alone in this journey. 

Get in touch with our team of experts soonest, should you have any of the following: 

  • Gums that bleed while brushing
  • Red, swollen or tender gums
  • Gums recession
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Presence of  pus between your teeth and gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Tooth mobility or changes in bite alignment
  • Altered fit in dental prosthetics

Preventing periodontal disease is a comprehensive approach that includes diligent oral hygiene, regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental visits. But it’s not just about what you do with your teeth, it’s also about what you put in your mouth. A well-balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients, is a powerful ally in improving your oral health. 

By collaborating with our team of dental care experts to develop a personalized prevention and management plan, you’re making a commitment to your health. Remember, prevention is truly the best cure. 

Below are the three most popular teeth whitening options available today:

  • In-Office Teeth Whitening 
    In-office teeth whitening, a remarkably convenient and time-saving option, delivers a noticeable color change in your teeth within a remarkably short period, often within an hour. This procedure, carried out at the dentist’s office, involves the application of a high-concentration gel to the teeth, which are first shielded with a special guard.
  • Professionally Dispensed Take-Home Whitening Kits
    Professionally dispensed take-home whitening kits, a secure and efficient option, are purchased from your doctor for use at home. The strength of the gel used in these kits is lower than that used for in-office bleaching, allowing for longer application periods. These trays, worn based on the chemical composition of the product, ensure a secure and controlled whitening process.
  • Over-The-Counter Whitening
    Over-the-counter teeth whitening kits are store-bought and use a lower concentration gel than in-office bleaching and take-home kits purchased from your doctor. While they are less expensive, they typically are less effective than methods that your dentist can perform because of the low-concentration gel. 

    Additionally, over-the-counter trays are not custom-fit for your teeth, which can irritate your gums while wearing them.

When caring for your teeth while wearing braces or retainers, always brush with a Waterpik Water Flosser after every meal and use a Proxabrush to remove food from the brackets and between the teeth. For exceptional results, it is highly recommended that you use fluoride toothpaste and a fluoride rinse. 

In addition, keep your retainer clean by brushing it gently with a toothbrush and toothpaste. As instructed by our resident orthodontists, you may also soak it in a denture cleaner once a week. A word of warning: do not put your retainer in boiling water or the dishwasher!  

During your treatment, try to avoid foods with a lot of sugar, which increases the amount of bacteria that grows in your mouth, causing more plaque and possibly cavities. Avoid sticky and chewy foods (caramel, chewing gum, gummy bears), hard foods (hard candy, nuts, ice cubes), or any foods that could get stuck in your braces (corn on the cob, soft bagels, ribs, taffy, etc.) as they can damage your braces or get stuck, leading to discomfort or even injury. These foods can also prolong your treatment time, as they may cause your braces to break or become loose. 

Regular checkups with Dr. Al are not just recommended; they are crucial for maintaining the health of your teeth and braces. These visits, scheduled every three months, ensure that any issues are addressed promptly, leading to better oral health and the longevity of your braces or retainers.

By diligently following these steps, you not only prevent cavities but also ensure a healthy and beautiful smile, boosting your confidence and overall well-being. Your commitment to these instructions is the key to a successful dental care journey, leading to a brighter, healthier smile that you can be proud of.

Remember, your dental professional is not just a provider of care but a partner in your dental care journey, always ready to support you and ensure the best possible outcome for your oral health.

Taking proper care of your dentures helps to ensure that they last as long as possible and that your mouth remains healthy.

  • Clean and Soak
    Removable dentures should be removed at bedtime, cleaned, and soaked in a water-based cleaning solution, such as a denture cleaning tablet dissolved in water, overnight to keep your mouth healthy, remove food and plaque, and minimize staining.

    To clean your dentures, use only dishwashing liquid or denture cleanser applied to a moistened brush or soft toothbrush. Gently scrub all surfaces, inside and out. For individuals with implant overdentures, meticulous oral hygiene is necessary, including thorough cleaning of the gums, attachment mechanism, and overdenture.

    Remember, proper care of dentures is essential for maintaining oral health and ensuring longevity.
  • Keep Those Appointments!
    Periodic examinations are vital to maintaining oral health and ensuring that your dentures continue to function correctly. In addition to routine exams, see your dental professional to:
    1. Address sore spots and irritations
    2. Remove stubborn stains that don’t come off with routine cleaning 
    3. Repair broken dentures 
    4. Determine if dentures need to be replaced (usually needed every 4 to 8 years).
  • Cost 
    Fees for denture-related services vary widely. Contact your dental professional and your state or local dental society about available resources and potential financial assistance options. 
  • Your Beautiful Smile   
    Your voice matters in your dental care journey. Communicating your needs, concerns, and expectations enables your dental professional to provide you with the best treatment plan and dentures.   

    But remember, your active participation in maintaining dentures, such as regular cleaning and following care instructions, is equally important. This ensures peace of mind and good oral health, giving you a sense of control, leading to a reason to smile for years.

    You are in control of your oral health, and your actions make a significant difference! Your commitment to your oral health is the key to maintaining your beautiful smile.