General Dentistry

Dentistry is at the intersection of Art and Science!

Lots of procedures fall in the realm of general dentistry. Creativity and established approaches and methods are in the hands of an experienced dentist to help you achieve your goals (short term and long term).

Dr Rezaei has been in dentistry enough to obtain this experience. Some of standard procedures are as following:


Composite Fillings

When treating a cavity, the dentist will remove the decayed portion of your tooth and fill it with another substance. This procedure is called a filling. There are multiple options for the material to be used in the filling, the most common of which are composite fillings and amalgam fillings.

A composite filling is also known as a tooth colored filling, since the material used in the filling can be closely matched to the color of your teeth. Composite fillings provide good durability for small to medium cavities, and the procedure typically involves removing less of a tooth than you would during an amalgam filling. They are also particularly well suited for treating front or highly visible teeth because of their natural look.

When can a composite filling be used for?

  • Decayed tooth (i.e. cavity)
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Decreasing the gap between teeth

How its done
After Dr AL numbs the area where the filling is to be placed, he will remove any decayed portions. A substance is then applied to help open up the pores of your teeth for a stronger bond, and hardened and cured with a special light. Once this is complete, the filling is applied in thin layers to slowly form the complete filling. After the composite has hardened, the filling will be smoothened and polished to be comfortable and fit your bite.


Tooth Extractions

A dental extraction is the procedure that has to do with your previous experiences and all that will be managed by Dr Al to make the whole process a much better new experience for you. A dental extraction is most commonly required if one of your teeth is damaged beyond practical repair. The most common reasons for tooth extractions include:

  • Severe tooth decay or infection may make it impossible or too costly to repair a tooth
  • Advanced gum disease may required a tooth to be pulled so it doesn’t affect the supporting tissues and bone structures of your mouth
  • A tooth may be extracted if it is blocking other teeth from coming in
  • During orthodontic work, teeth may need to be extracted to create room for the teeth that are being moved into place
  • Wisdom teeth are often extracted either before or after they come in


Immediately after the tooth extraction, a small amount of bleeding is normal and patch of gauze will be placed in the affected area. The area may bleed minimally for the next 24 hours or so and taper off after that. Follow your the instructions on how often to change the gauze, and what other post-procedure steps to follow.

Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is used to fill the gap created by a missing tooth or teeth. A gap between your teeth can be potentially dangerous to your dental health, as it can cause your teeth to shift resulting in a change in your bite that could be painful; that’s only one potential problem to mention. Dental bridges help alleviate this problem by using the two surrounding teeth as anchors to hold a natural looking tooth-alike in the place where the gap is. There are two types of dental bridges that are commonly used today:

1. Traditional fixed bridge – This is the most common type of dental bridge, in which porcelain or zirconia crowns are placed over the two surrounding teeth protecting them while they serve as anchors to hold the middle tooth-alike piece in place.

2. Cantilever bridge – A cantilever bridge is used when teeth are present on only one side of the gap. These are used typically in areas of your mouth that doesn’t experience an intense chewing load, such as your front teeth.

How it’s done
A minimum of two visits are required for placing a dental bridge. At the first visit, three important steps are completed. First, the surrounding teeth are prepared to be fitted with a crown. This will include filing down the teeth so that the crown can fit over it. Second, an impression is taken of your teeth which will be sent to a laboratory . Finally, the dentist fits your teeth with a temporary bridge to protect them while the bridge is being prepared at the laboratory.

At the second visit, the temporary bridge is removed and the new bridge received from the laboratory is fitted and adjusted. Multiple visits may be necessary to check and adjust the fit.

Procedure will not be painful since you will be in hands of Dr Al and his great team! and you will be under local anesthesia.